Tuesday, May 13, 2014


 An interview is simply a tool used by a potential employer to assess a candidate's ability to perform a role. The interview will normally be the first time that the employer has the opportunity to meet you. They need to assess whether or not you have the qualities to perform the role competently, the experience that you have so far in a similar role, and also whether they like you as a person and whether you are likely to fit into the team environment. It is also your chance to find out if you want to work for the company, so it is a two-way process.
 And what does it mean by Body language? Body language means communication with the movement or position of the human body. It can be conscious – or unconscious. It is something that is noticed by everybody but is not always given enough attention. We sometimes ignore it and try to hide behind words, but we should never forget that we cannot fool everyone!
A way to learn the secrets of body language is to watch television with the sound turned off and try to interpret what is being said simply from reading body language. You will experience that humans say a lot with their mouth which is contradicted by their body, gestures and other channels of communication. Messages are ambiguous.

              Interviewing Skills: Body Language




Body language is the movements of arms and legs, body posture, the manner in which you sit, facial expressions, gait, eye movements and regular gestures such as stroking your hair, touching your nose, etc. And scientific research says that….

 Scientific research shows that counselors, psychologists and psychiatrist are good at interpreting body language of their clients. By reading the body language, a counselor or a psychologist is able to understand the problem of his client and prescribe the right kind of therapy.

First impression is the best impression

Tips to Boost Your Interview Skills

1. Practice Good Nonverbal Communication. 
2.Dress for the Job or Company. 

3. Good communication skills.

4.Don't talk Too Much. 

5.Don't be too familiar.

6. Use Appropriate Language.

7. Positive Attitude.

8. Prepare well for interview.   

 9.Be confident. 
Body language don’ts in interview

1.Don’t keep your hands in your pockets.
2.Never cross your arms – it makes you look defensive.
3.Don’t hold your handbag/briefcase or portfolio in your lap – it makes you look like you’re ready to bolt!
4.No slouching – sit up straight and tall.
5.Never look away from the interviewer when answering questions or when they are talking to you – maintain eye contact.
6.Fidgeting such as shaking your leg or tapping your foot or drumming your nails on the desk is annoying and distracting.
7.Staring at the wall or floor – nothing screams disinterest more!
8.Relax to the point of appearing blasé – leaning back in the chair in a relaxed manner more suited to the lounge at home, or resting your head on your hand with an elbow on the chair.
9.Don’t rub your nose every time you make a point – some say it is a sign of deceit.
10.Never lean on the desk and towards your interviewer – it invades their space.

Body language is relatively easy to control. Simply being mindful of it can help enormously.

Have a think about your last interview – do you recognize any of the above points?

Next time you have an interview put your best foot forward, a strong confident voice, loads of eye contact and a professional presentation, to give yourself every chance of being offered the role.

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