Friday, June 20, 2014

“HOW TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL”. – By MaddaliSwetha

The factors which determine to look beautiful are health, hygiene, neatness and appearance.

A. HEALTH: To maintain a proper health one should be very conscious with their diet proper time should be maintained for their meals and never skip your breakfast.

B. HYGIENE: Always maintain neatness which you keep your body fresh and have a regular bath (2 times a day). Once in a week massage your body. Which scrubber, this will remove all the dirt which cannot be removed during your regular bath.

C. NEATNESS: Maintain neatness with you and your surroundings one sitting with a marvelous charm but in foal surroundings make the beauty worse.

D. APPEARANCE: “Appearance is the best attitude to look beautiful. Clothes are the best friends to woman”. Try to wear proper dressing according to the occasion and also groom yourself with correct make-up. Hair styles and accessories always smile and make feel the others pleasant in your presence.


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