Friday, June 20, 2014

– By MaddaliSwetha


Grammar contains the rules and regulations to be obeyed while making sentences. The rules may differ as with place, person and time. Without proper grammar, sentence will be meaningless. If you don’t know grammar, sentences will be meaningless. If you don’t know grammar, to communicate your sentences may not convey the meaning. So, it is to be noted that all the words in English can be classified into 8 parts of speech.

The parts of speech are:

1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adverb
5. Adjective
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection

Grammar (Noun)

a. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.

b. The study of structural relationships in language orin a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.

In brief,

1. NOUN: A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, animal, thing etc.
Examples: Swetha, Delhi, lion, Pencil, etc.

2. PRONOUN: A word used instead of a noun.
Examples: she, he, it, they, etc.

3. ADJECTIVE: A word that qualifies or describes a noun or a pronoun.
Examples:  a) All these proposals are good (Here proposals = noun, Good = adjective). b) Every sentence that he spoke was listened to with great attention.

4. VERB: A verb expresses what the subject of a sentence is or does, or has, or what is done to it.
  Examples: She has a car. (Car = verb)

5. ADVERB: A word that modifies an adjective or verb or another adverb.
Examples: She read the passage quickly. (Read = Verb, Quickly = Adverb)

6. PREPOSITION: A preposition is a word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else.
Examples: She wrote the document with a pen. (With = preposition)

7. CONJUNCTION: A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases or sentences.
Examples: She is not only intelligent but also industrious. (Not only = conjunction, Industrious = Hard working nature)

8. INTERJECTION: A word which expresses a strong or sudden feeling such as surprise, joy, fear, sorrow, etc. It is not grammatically connected with the rest of the sentence. Usually, an exclamatory mark is put after it. Such as Ah!, Hurrah!, well!, Dear!, Oh! Etc.
Examples: Hurrah! She won the match.


Telugu Meaning of 'Grammar School'
వ్యాకరణ పాఠశాల

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