Sunday, July 06, 2014

IT’S ALL ABOUT YOGA (Mind and Body Peace) – By MaddaliSwetha

Yoga is a practical aid (to provide support for or relief), not a religion. Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind and spirit (breath). The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment. This is a simple definition.

The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible; it also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. Yoga brings about emotional stability and clarity of mind.


1. Om Mitraya Namah.
2. Om Ravaye Namah.
3. Om Suryaya Namah.
4. Om Bhanave Namah.
5. Om Khagaya Namah.
6. Om Pushne Namah.
7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah.
8. Om Maricaye Namah.
9. Om Adityaya Namah.
10. Om Savitre Namah.
11. Om Arkaya Namah.
12. Om Bhaskaraya Namah.

These 12 names, from among the numerous names of the sun are used to invoke specific subtle effect in the personality of the performer. 
The names: 

1. Mitra - Friend of all.
2. Ravi - Praised by all.
3. Surya - the stimulator.
4. Bhanu - Giver of beauty.
5. Khaga - Stimulator of senses.
6. Pushan - The Nourisher.
7. Hiranyagarbha - One who possesses power to develop energy and vitality.
8. Marichi - Destroyer of diseases.
9. Aditya - One who attracts.
10. Savitre - Begetter.
11. Arka - Fit to be revered.
12. Bhaskara - Refulgent.


1. Never do yoga with full stomach.

2. Every day have 3 litres of water so that you will not face any body pains.

3. Yoga is not good for specified Health Conditions.

4. Pregnant ladies, milk feeding ladies should not do Yoga but there are do meditation and breathing exercises (breathing in and out).

5. If you are facing more pains (lower back, legs, spinal cord, spinal cord,  any headache and went for any health operations) person suggested to have seat in chair and follow step-4. 

6. who are new to yoga please and please.....don't experiment without instructor (teacher).

And i am class-leader in Hyderabad, Kukatpally . I learned Yoga Here ( Only 30 Days Course) 

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