Friday, August 15, 2014


In office, you see most fashionable professionals are fashion and the broad have a strong correlation. Your style tells you why being impeccable dressed helps you stand out impression in workplace in organization or industry. Though, refining your dressing sense at the office is always a challenge.


 1) I think it is important to be well –dressed, well trimmed back because how you dressed also become how you carried out your work a day.

2) Most importantly you need to come well to prepare to do the job that long gone on that day and dressing, packing how yourself is a one part of that…..

3) You see in interview there are a lot of people who are casually dressed ….the question I would probably want to share with you i.e.,

* If you came for interview in certain way and organization or an industry recruited you keep it in way that the way you dressed as well as everything else say about you that particular day then don’t change that way you followed because also putting up on the day also on show.

* I think, you should remember that the end of the day you need to were what makes you more comfortable, keeps you motivated, and it should reflex the percentage actually you are such as , probably there are most Indian corporate environments don’t necessary keep at the times as dress well. But well they don’t keep at the times. So there are a lot of people at times, they were dressed well and come across.

*Most people typically make a decision it how a person is to be dressed by taking few tips and they walk – in – interviews for stores(to buy branded dress) what it is available to come to interview and present themselves in front of interviewers or recruiter or offices that “ you have dress well or not.” Hence, well you see there are many managers are there that what work for you? And what doesn't works for you?

My conclusion:

1) Self- confidence is all about important than how you dressed well.

2) Make sure that you have iron clothes like cotton or soft silk.

3) It is important that how you look fashionable to dress well? i.e, how you look? And how you work or how you act in front of employees in organization or in your team?

4) You dressing fashionable means looking bit younger look that’s reason as professional look like some professional color white, black, red and green.

5) Don’t look for brands you wear but you look for comfortable that particular clothes suit or not? And there are some particular qualities brands are available that clothes are mainly meant for employment use.

6) Dressing smartly looks the reason that you are ready to look for a job in company in that particular job description or job post.

7) You may ask me: Why dressing is very important for a professional job holder?

 Here you go,


You dress shows:

* Low Profile or CV

* Low confidence

* No will power to work hard.

* No proper looks

* Very casually!

* How motivated you are?


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