Friday, December 19, 2014


It is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business - Mahatma Gandhi

Before jumping into the main topic let’s know about these two little words – Proud & Talent.

1. Talent is the skill that someone developed naturally to do something that is tough.

2. When you are proud, you are feeling pride, or satisfaction with yourself. The word proud can also mean too much of this feeling – sometimes saying someone is proud is the same as saying they're arrogant.

In order to know about these in Talent Management perspective, here’s a small story.


Once upon a time, there lived a sculptor who was a master in his art. His idols and statues, carved from wood or stone, looked as if they were real. They were sold all over the country and abroad. He had won many awards for his wonderful works of art. But as he began to earn name, fame & money, he became very arrogant.

One day, a palmist looked at his palm and predicted, “You will die in a few days.”

The sculptor decided to cheat Yama raj, the God of Death, by using his art. He made 6 identical statues which looked so real and so much like the sculptor himself that if he stood among the statues, no one could tell who the real and the live sculptor was!

At last, the day of the sculptor’s death arrived. The sculptor laid the six statues in his bedroom and went to sleep among them.

Now the sculptor became more arrogant than ever. He began to believe that even Yama raj would not be able to identify him from among the statues and take him away.

When the time of the sculptor’s death came, Yama raj came to his house to take him away with him. But he saw not one, but seven sculptors sleeping in the bedroom! It was very difficult for him to identify the real sculptor. Yama raj started thinking of a way to find out which one the real sculptor.

Suddenly, Yama raj had an idea. He smiled and said,” wonderful! O sculptor! You have confused me by making six statues which look exactly like you. But there is a small mistake in these statues.”

These words of Yama raj hurt the sculptor’s ego. At once, he got up and said,” What mistake are you talking about?” “Well, this is it! “exclaimed Yama raj catching the sculptors by his hand.

“As soon as you heard that there is a small mistake in your statues, your ego was hurt. So, you got up and asked me about it. That is your mistake. If you had not made this mistake, it would have been very difficult for me to identify you from among these statues,” added Yama raj. Saying this, Yama raj took hold of the sculptor and left.

Moral of this story – ‘Never be proud of your talent’.

Hence, whenever we are in a difficult situation, we should think with a calm mind and find a way out of it.

Talent Management is defined an organization's attempts to recruit, keep, and train the most gifted and highest quality staff members that they can find, afford and hire. Talent management gives business managers an especially important role to play in recruiting, developing and retaining desirable staff members.

In life, you will come across these different sentences:
1. Give me a chance I will prove myself.
2. First you prove yourself then you have given a chance.

For More information about Lord Yama raj: Read Garuda Purana – One of the most famous books about sin or death.

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