Thursday, May 19, 2016


This special edition of ‘Learning to Say No When You Usually Say Yes’ published by Jaico books, Mumbai which is available in India and Nepal. This book was written by Maritza Manresa. I read this book in May 2016.

Image result for Learning to Say No When You Usually Say Yes

About this Book:
Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply, Knowing when to say "No" when you usually say "Yes" is one of the most fundamentally important things you can do for yourself and for your relationships. The urge to say yes, to please everyone around you, can be overwhelming. It can be rooted in your desire to maintain your self-image, the product of chronically low self-esteem. It may even be the result of situations in which you feel you will gain from constantly saying yes. This book will walk you through the process of recognizing your true desires and tapping into your inner self so you can tell others how you truly feel. From understanding what it is you want to get from other people to accepting that you do not need their validation, you will learn how to set your priorities and therefore know when it is okay to say yes.

My favourite Page in this book: (Page – 22, Chapter no – 2)
9. Why am I Really being asked?
This is a good question to ask yourself when you have been asked to do something. Is the person doing the asking targeting you because he/she knows that you usually say yes to all requests? Or, are you being asked because you really are the most qualified person to do it? If you know you are being asked because you usually say Yes, then at that moment you should put a stop to the vicious cycle and respond with a firm No. However, if you are being asked for any reason other than because you are a Yes person, the really evaluate the request, take in consideration the pros and cons of taking on the task, and make a decision that you will not regret later.

My Feedback:

Got quite an insight about when and how to say No or Yes. Most of the examples are from the western part of the world, would be more easy to relate if there were examples in context to the Indian culture or tradition. And also this book mainly useful for business decisions where to say yes and where to say no. 

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