Saturday, February 14, 2015


My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realizing him. - Mahatma Gandhi

On 28th January , 2015 I went to my dad’s big brother home, in their house I found a book called “Bang on the Door”.  I asked them what is this all about they said it is a spiritual lesson related to spiritual gods in India.

You see, in highly educated families reading spiritual books are not encouraged only elders have rights! Of course, my family members were highly educated too. So, in amiable way I said “can I find this author data in your personal home PC”, my dad's  brother said “Yes, for a few minutes not for a long time”. As I am a blog writer, I look 3 hours to complete this book (reading) but if you are good at fast reading you can complete it in just 1 hour only.

What Inspired Me?

The extemporaneous talks collected in this book were given by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1989 and 1990 during a tour of the United States of America. In short it’s all about his tour time with his followers.

Some more details of this book:

1. First Edition – Copyright 1990 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

2. Published by – The Art of Living Foundation and Vyakti Vikas Kendra, India (Bangalore).

3. Printed at – Elegant printing works, Bangalore.

4. Where to buy – In Bangalore (Karnataka)

Highlights of this book:

The poem “Don’t move an inch” was spoken by Sri Sri during on East –West dialogue with the very Rev. Thomas Keating at Yale University.


  • Don’t move an inch,
  • The journey has begun.
  • If you move, you are light years away
  • Neither East nor West
  • Nor North nor South,
  • Don’t move an inch.

  • Between Earth and the Sky.
  • Here the goal dawns on you,
  • Don’t move an inch,

  • Fill the lobbies of logic
  • With the smoke of her presence.
  • Don’t move an inch.

  • The root is on
  • With a billion Stars,
  • Sun and Moon
  • Moving around you.
  • Don’t move an inch.

  • Don’t move an inch
  • So, that waves of love
  • May rise in your heart
  • And rock the life in total bliss.
  • I am the path, the goal and the seeker.
  • Don’t move an inch.

Who is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?

He is called as Spiritual Master. In 2014, he is called as Leadership in category of humanity and human rights to live and lead with spiritual human healthy thoughts. He is known to be called “the leader or guru who invited Foundation called – “Art of Living”. Also namely he won two Genniuss World Records too.

To be concluded:

In page no – 15,

“There are two successes: being successful in life and being successful in the world. One can be successful in life. Success in life is attending to this. Success in life is attending to this source, inquiry of the source and living in that joy and unconditional love”.

There is something looks different to me in this poem what he had mentioned, is a bit related to “Marine Sea coastal area people”.  And how one is success in life and success in the world?

So, I got doubt and asked my dad’s brother. The simple answer – Only who have completed 50+ or 60+ years of old age only one is called as successful or not all around all the world and life too.

After listening to his answer,  I researched nearly 15 hours in my Laptop about all leaders in allover world at which age or died and how far there have achieved success at which age? If you can, you can also search all leaders’ data in wiki source.

Thanks for reading!

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