Friday, October 31, 2014


Dear Reader,
I wonder that some of girls have done higher education such as Ph.D., P.G, etc., and married faced domestic violence in a high level in society.

My question is that “Why one should not speak, talk; see such age ladies who faced domestic violence?”

1. Why you should not speak with her?

2. When her husband committed mistake why blaming her and her parents?

3. When husband family members cheated her why giving more importance to her husband rather than her?

4. Is wife treated as servant for husband and husband family members?

5. What kind of mistakes these innocent women made?

6. Why calling her as “she is proud girl”, half-window woman?

7. Do not see her and close door in front of her….she is married?

8. When husband is gay….what can she do?

9. Do not give job to her and do not promote her for high position in organization. she is married and divorced?

10. Is the ladies and gents who married once are sincere and honest people in their marriage life?

11. Encouraging her in front of all and making rumors in back her? Is it fair?

12. You dressed very good “mad girl you left your husband”?

13. Do not see her at sunset 6pm and morning 6am …she is half – widow woman!!!!!

14. Is there any Indian constitution written like this?

15. Beat her with stones (bad words) and kill her like a slow poison!!!!!...stop invitation her for any festivals in our street. What this mean by?

16. Hey you look sexy can you…Spend Time with me!!!!! What this mean?

17. Please do not come and talk with me, my family members told you are bitch….what this meant by?

18. Sorry I am not interested to make friendship with you good bye forever in life. Why?

19. She is a leader. But she is married and she looks like flirting others with smile. Stop her smile!!!!! what this meant by???

20. We done many praises to god and now also that why we do not face domestic violence….you done mistake in past life that why you are facing problems. What this mean? Is there any time machine predict of past life of human being?

21. The marriage gifts which were given should be return back to all who gave to her!!!!!!!

22. Saying this in front of her, you should leave this house immediately. You are a sinner?

23. Do not bless her or do not touch any baby with your hands. Go far from us. What this mean by?

24. If she touches anything it will become impurity. Can you explain me the reason why things become impurity?

25. Do not serve her good food. She brought very less dowry to her husband and has not brought extra dowry for all her husband family members. Dowry!!! Higher education is equal to 10 times equal to high dowry.

26. She is bitch she is getting her husband property in divorce. Why? Is her amount belonging to you and her compensation belongs to only her.

My conclusion:

Make peace and have peace…..the women who faced domestic violence is innocent and soft heated mindset. Do not take them hard. If there are intelligent like you….why they will face violence?

Before marriage she belongs to parents surname and after marriage she belongs to husband family surname. If you want to blame her, at first blame her husband family members but not her.

If she left alone, she will not belongs to her husband surname and she is partial belongs to her parents surname until divorce and please even she is also a woman and human being like you. Stop rumors on her!


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