Thursday, April 25, 2019



1st Edition 2013
Published by: Sri Sri Publications Trust
Printed in India by: Jwalamukhi Mudranalaya Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore

  1. Introduction
  2. Key points of Effective Management
  3. Attributes of a Good Leader
  4. Methods of Developing Leadership Skills
  5. Innovation
  6. Social Partnership Make Business Sense
  7. Environmental Management  
  8. Ethics and Business
  9. Combating Corruption
  10. Management and Meditation
  11. The ABC of Life
  12. Question and answers

What points I observed in this book:

Page 4: Creativity can only come from silence.

Page 8: There are 4 sources of energy – food, sleep, breath and calm mind
(But, my point is water is also one of the source of energy)

Page 15: If you observe yourself on a Sunday morning, you will note that you are very sharp.

Page 19: A leader never stops learning. He learns from everybody, even from a child. (Here, you can add she learns or he learns…..)

Page 23: In the span of just one year, 3,000 volunteers adopted 21,000 villages in India (No proof no data given in any Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Books)

Page 28: There is no multi-religious and multi-cultural education.
(Note: Go Kasi and see the Ganga Ghats then you will understand in India how many religious and cultures are present)

Page 40: Do you know why children are so sharp? It is because they are happy.

Page 64: Religion is like a banana skin and spirituality is the banana
(I feel strong that like this type of examples should not be courage)

Page 73: see the given picture and same question I like ask to which a raised in my mind.

Page 77: Today, we do not believe in investing in friendship. We only believe in investing in currency notes. Half a century ago, a person would feel very secure when he had a lot of friends.

(In my point of view, generally most of the people follow their Guruji words or life sentences that are given by Guruji and get impact on those words. So, it’s Guruji home work that he or she has to explain the moral values of friendship. But, most of them taking examples from big shouts people in the city or national or countries and that’s why people are going more importance to money and unable to motivate themselves from getting out from money mind.)

Page – 97: Awareness, Belongingness. Commitment – the ABC of life – can enhance human values amongst us today.

Page 107: Today, it is not the poor who are committing suicide. I tell you, the majority of suicides are taking place among well-educated and capable people. They feel certain emptiness in their lives, something lacking within themselves.

(Here, it is a negative point raised in this chapter about this topic.
That suicide not only happens in well educated people even it happens in uneducated people too. This point to be noted in this book)

Page 121: I like this quotation a lot – A TRUE LEADER CREATES MORE LEADERS.

My Conclusion:

In this book, matters are taken from the subjects
Those are:
  1. Management of organization
  2. Behavior of Skills
  3. Business Skills – LSRW
  4. Introduction to management
  5. Human Relations
  6. Human rights

Thank you for reading!
Maddali Laxmi Swetha

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Recently, my name was included in a book called - Student Leaders: Growing from Students to CEO’s and the first copy of this book is dedicated to me. 

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